Dropping off my college life and go for a little walk Finally, those college things already finish. To full fill my empty days, i went to ciwalk with my flawless friend, Kinan and her brother, Rangga. They asked me to accompany them to go to ciwalk for looking up some shoes. Shopping time they said. With this obnoxious...
"Delete the negative; accentuate the positive!" -Alexander McQueen- Tahap editing foto adalah salah satu tahap penyempurnaan foto yang sangat berperan dalam dunia fotografi. Selain bisa dijadikan ajang penyempurnaan, foto editing juga bisa menjadi tempat meluapkan kreatifitas. Pada proses editing, otak kita dipaksa berpikir bagaimana caranya agar foto tersebut dapat lebih terlihat menarik dan apa saja hal-hal yang harus...
XOXO -unemenel- ...
I thought i've fallen in love with Lindsay Adler! I found her existence in youtube couple days ago. Who is she actually? Lindsay Adler is a professional portrait fashion photographer based in NY City. Her editorial work has published internationally from youtube, her own site, and also from several magazine that she work with. I love her because...
Congratulation Perisai Diri for the reborn! Yesterday, at 30th November 2014, me and two of my friends documented PD's event. This event attended by alumnus of STT Tekstil who was joined Perisai Diri when they were still studying in STT Tekstil. Why actually they called this event "Reborn of Perisai Diri"? Perisai Diri have formed by their alumnus...