Textile Merchandising

Textile Merchandising is a major that I learned on my college for 4 years. I took this major in Polytechnic STTT Bandung, Indonesia. The one and only university which specifically involved in the field of textiles in South East Asia.

What is Textile Merchandising?
It is a major where we can learn about garment industrial management. Beyond that, we also can learn a bit about basic in designing clothes. Most of the subject is containing production management and also supply chain management, but we also learn about garment pattern making, sewing technical, cutting management, marketing, garment testing, garment quality control, etc.

Then what's the point of this page?
Well, i just want to share a bit about those subjects I've learned, some exercise questions from my HIMA (Himpunan Mahasiswa) and even some of my tasks (not all of it, because I hate it when someone's copy my work). I hope this can help you all to understand my major. There are some hyperlinks down there that you can click on and you'll directly go to my dropbox page.

Download as much as you want :)

Feel free to ask me about... anything! Just go to my ASK.FM page and send me questions.


