
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus: Tutorial Membuat Logo Hogwarts

9:22 am
Kalimat itu adalah kalimat yang selalu ada di halaman pertama buku Harry Potter tepat di bawah lambang sekolah-nya (in case kalau kalian ada yang belum pernah baca atau bahkan pegang buku HP sama sekali, jadi dijelasin hehe).  Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus adalah bahasa latin dari "Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon". Ceritanya sih itu slogan dari sekolah Hogwarts, sekolah...

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Daily Life

Cerpen: Aku dan Para Elang di Lazuardi

11:02 pm
source: begajol.com Banyak orang bilang, jika kita mendaki gunung, maka karakter asli kita akan terlihat. Baik sadar maupun tidak sadar, kita akan menjadi diri kita yang sesungguhnya. Entahlah. Aku tidak terlalu memikirkan itu. Saat ini yang kurasakan hanyalah rasa dingin yang sangat menusuk. Terasa hembusan angin yang tidak biasa ku dapatkan di tengah kota yang padat. Surya Kencana, ada...

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Fashion Spread

Memilih Bahan Jilbab

12:16 pm
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Kanan atas - Kiri Bawah 1. Royal Hoodie Polka - DIINDRIHIJAB 2. Syafeea Non Pet Tosca Tribal - MAE by GERAI YUSUF 3. Annisa Flowery Maroon - Khatsuari 4. Fatisa Khimar Pink - LAMAK Berhijab adalah salah satu kewajiban setiap wanita muslim. Pasti temen-temen sering baca di berbagai bentuk sosial media bahwa memakai...

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Daily Life

Visit Friend's Home

12:48 pm
Location: Banjir Kanal Timur Weapon: Tongsis (tolong sis) Photo credit by: Dewi Triana Susanti Gadget: Samsung S5 Do a short visit to your friend's house is a good thing. You can make kinda good relationship between two families which probably can last forever! I knew her, my friend Dewi Triana Susanti since my first year in STT Tekstil...

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5 ITEMS: You Must Have

10:10 am
1. Black Skirt: Pamela Long Skirt -Xevala2. Black Pallazo/Kulot Pants: Lolita Pants Black3.White Shirt: Catalina Top - KAYRA4. Basic Gamis: Shakila Basic Dress5.Instant Hijab:Annisa Flowery Maroon - KHATSUARI Pernah ga kamu ngerasain bingung pakai baju apa ketika ada acara keluar baik itu kuliah, ke wedding party, hangout ke mall, dll. Kalau bawahannya ini, top nya pakai apa ya?...

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Daily Life

Ramadhan 1437H and Stuffs

6:30 pm
chillin I'm very exhausted yet very happy now. After a very bustling day with so many siblings come and go from my granny's house, smiling and laughing, and also all the greeting things, finally I can have my own time to relax with a book; a laptop and a bottle of orange juice. Totally my time. I can't...

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Best Nine Photos

Taman Safari Indonesia

7:01 pm
well, still young enough for playin' in a zoo. I LOVE ZOO. probably should have one someday, lol. We went there 4 hour after we just arrived from cirebon and it was so damn exhausting but fun!. Get lost because we trusted google map to much. Not literally lost, but guided through an unkown road with a hard...

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Best Nine Photos

Hi, July!

11:35 am
Thank God it's July, a special month when the world was blessed by the arrival of three men that made my life full of struggle and muggle (?). No, it's not them by the way, but i celebrate it with them hehe, welcoming this beautiful July with my very smartsome (smart and handsome, lol) best-friends. I was having...

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